ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Necessity of Antitrust Regulation for Data Privacy Protection

  • 摘要: 数字经济背景下,数据隐私保护成为质量竞争的重要维度,事关消费者切身利益,因而为现代反垄断法的多元立法目的所涵盖。构筑在"知情—同意"规则基础上的数据隐私保护机制在数字经济垄断市场结构下面临有效性危机且救济迟滞,而反垄断规制数据隐私保护具有监管效率上的差异性优势。数据隐私保护反垄断规制虽实属必要,却也面临理论与分析工具革新的难题、法律适用冲突以及价值平衡困境。数字经济时代的反垄断法亟须以平台、数据、算法三元融合分析为基础进行重构,利用"共票"平衡数据隐私保护与利用流动背后的利益关系。在监管科技理念引导下,政府需要以大数据、区块链技术赋能竞争规制机构,构建敏捷型反垄断智慧动态监管。


    Abstract: With the rapid development of digital economy, data privacy protection becomes critical dimension of quality competition, which is concerned with consumer interests and included in the multiple goals of modern antitrust law. Focusing on "notice-consent" regime, the existing laws and regulations of data privacy protection suffer a crisis of effectiveness and the remedy provided for lags behind the reality, yet antitrust regulation on data privacy protection has regulatory efficiency advantages. While the necessity of antitrust regulation on data privacy protection has been proved, this strategy may face challenges from perspective of antitrust methodology innovation, conflicts of law application, and problems on balancing different values. There is a need to reform industrial economy based traditional antitrust law and theory through integrating platform, data and algorithm. "Co-ken" theory and its application solves the dilemma on interests balance. Inspired by the idea of reg-tech, antitrust regulators shall pay attention to the use of blockchain and big data technologies, and establish an agile antitrust regulatory model to solve data privacy problems.


