ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Influence Mechanism and Improvement Path of College Students' Perception of Incorruptibility: From the Perspective of Media Dissemination of Anti-corruption News

  • 摘要: 随着腐败犯罪者呈现年轻化的趋势,大学生清廉感知水平受到学界和社会的广泛关注。反腐新闻是大学生清廉感知的重要信息来源,新媒介已成为大学生接触反腐新闻的首要渠道。从反腐新闻媒介传播视角来对大学生清廉感知水平的影响机制进行研究,结果发现,反腐新闻的议题内容、情绪表达、价值立场和评价导向等议程设置对大学生群体清廉感知水平具有多重影响。大学生的清廉感知水平是反腐新闻媒介传播过程中信息认知机制、情感认同机制、价值共识机制和行为决策机制共同作用的综合呈现。提升大学生清廉感知水平,培养知行合一的新时代廉洁大学生群体,需要以优化反腐新闻议程设置为切入点,通过优化反腐新闻内容呈现以提升廉洁认知能力、强化反腐新闻积极情感表达以培养廉洁情感共鸣、传播反腐主流价值观念以强化廉洁意志认同、营造风清气正的反腐舆论场域以推动廉洁践行等路径来实现。


    Abstract: As corruption offenders tend to become younger, college students'perception of incorruptibility has attracted wide attention from academia and society. Anti-corruption news is an important source of information for college students to form their perception of incorruptibility and new media has become the primary channel for college students to have access to anti-corruption news. From the perspective of media dissemination of anti-corruption news, this paper discusses the influence mechanism of college students' perception of incorruptibility. The results show that the agenda setting of anti-corruption news, such as subject content, emotion expression, value standpoint and evaluation orientation, has a dual impact on college students' perception of incorruptibility, which is a comprehensive representation of the mechanisms of information cognition, emotion identification, value consensus and behavior practice in the process of media dissemimination of anti-corruption news.To improve college students' perception of incorruptibility and cultivate a group of incorruptible college students with knowledge and action in the new era, it is necessary to take the optimization of the agenda setting of anti-corruption news as the starting point, improve the presentation of news content to enhance college students' cognitive ability of incorruptibility, and adopt positive emotion expressions in the news to cultivate their emotional resonance of incorruptibility. In addition, it is also essential to spread mainstream value concepts to strengthen their will identity of incorruptibility, and createa clean field of public opinion to encourage them to practice incorruptible behavior.


