ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Cultivation of Talents in the New Liberal Arts with the Intersection of Law and Management: Based on the Formation and Development of the Model of Beihang University

  • 摘要: 新文科建设是面向科技融合的时代发展诉求, 是推进学科交叉融合、培养新型复合型人才的主要路径。培养既精通"法律"又深谙"管理"的法管交叉人才是新文科建设的内容之一。北京航空航天大学作为工科优势高校, 其多年积累的文科大类培养机制、多个国家级一流专业建设点、多家科研智库基地均为"法管交叉"的实施奠定了坚实的建设基础平台和人才培养支撑。在法管交叉人才培养举措上, 北京航空航天大学发挥工科优势, 强化科技融合、加大跨界整合、聚焦课程思政, 建立了适应新文科建设理念的法管交叉新文科大类培养模式, 培养成效显著, 为国家输送了大量急需人才。


    Abstract: The construction of new liberal arts is to meet the development demands of the era for the integration of science and technology, and it is the main way to promote interdisciplinary integration, and cultivate new interdisciplinary talents. Cultivating talents proficient in both law and management is one of the contents of the construction of new liberal arts. As a university with advantages in engineering, Beihang university has laid a solid foundation and provided support for the implementation of the "intersection of law and management" with the cultivation mechanism of liberal arts, which has been implemented for many years, and a number of national first-class undergraduate program construction sites and several scientific research think tank bases. In terms of the measures taken to cultivate talents with the intersection of law and management, Beihang university has given full play to its advantages in engineering, strengthened the integration of science and technology, enhanced interdisciplinary integration, and focused on curriculum-based ideological and political education. In this way, it has established a talent cultivation model of new liberal arts with the intersection of law and management that adapts to the concept of the construction of new liberal arts, which has achieved remarkable success and provided a large number of corresponding talents for the country.


