ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Primary Relationship in Entrusted Financing and the Requirements for the Fulfillment of Fiduciary Duty

  • 摘要: 金融委托理财作为一种典型商事关系,横跨多个金融领域。在“分业经营、分业管理”规范下,司法实务存在“以名定性”或依“主导性要素”的思路来进行法律定性及其适用,但易造成法律适用上的缺位和错位。同时,金融委托理财有异于一般民事委托的特性,法院不宜直接类推适用《中华人民共和国民法典》中的“委托合同”规则,否则易产生“削足适履”的法律适用上的窘境。金融委托理财可分为信托型理财和一般委托型理财,均是基于委托人对受托人的信任而委托,且受托人享有能够影响委托人或受益人利益的控制权,故应将金融委托理财视为一种受信关系,而不宜界定为民事一般委托或统归信托关系。以受信关系为法理,受托人承担受信义务,能强化投资权益保护。解释论下,可借道诚实信用原则填补解释和实质重于形式进路展开,在个案中实现《中华人民共和国信托法》等相应受信规则的适用,以此改进金融委托理财的司法裁判。


    Abstract: As a typical commercial relationship, the entrusted financing covers multiple financial fields. Under the principle of “separate operation and management”, in judicial practice, there exists a line of thought that the legal nature and application of the entrusted financing is determined merely by name or by following the dominant factors. However, this is likely to cause an absence and displacement of the applicable law. Also, as the entrusted financing is different from the general civil entrustment, it is inappropriate for the court to directly apply by analogy the provisions on “commission contract” in the Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China; otherwise, it is easy to cause the dilemma of “cutting the feet to fit the shoes” in applicable law. The entrusted financing can be divided into trust financing and general entrusted financing, both of which are based on the entrustors’ trust of fiduciaries, and the trustees enjoy the right of control that may have an impact on the interests of the entrustors or the beneficiary. Therefore, entrusted financing should be regarded as a kind of fiduciary relationship, and it is inappropriate to define it as a general civil entrustment or a generalized fiduciary relationship. Taking the fiduciary relationship as the basis, the trustees assume fiduciary duty, which can strengthen the protection of investment rights and interests. With the interpretative theory, the principle of good faith can be used to supplement the interpretation and the approach of “substance over form” can be adopted to realize the application of corresponding fiduciary rules in the Trust Law of the People’s Republic of China in individual cases, so as to improve the judicial adjudication of entrusted financing.


