ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Intervention of Governance Entities in Business Diversification of Chinese Airlines

  • 摘要: 中国航空公司普遍采取多元化经营战略以应对市场波动,然而激进的多元化战略也会增加企业的财务风险。管理者、股东、债权人和政府作为治理主体在企业多元化战略的决策制定和实施过程中发挥着决定性作用,深入探究相关治理主体对企业多元化扩张的影响作用及其内在机制,对于理解中国航空公司过度多元化现象背后的成因以及找到有效的应对方法均具有重要意义。基于7家航空公司2015—2020年的数据分析发现,管理者对于企业经营状况和盈利能力的过度自信会促进航空公司在非航空业务方面的扩张,是引发航空公司过度多元化的重要原因;而政府的干预则可以有效抑制管理者过度自信对航空公司多元化扩张的促进作用。因此,有必要加强政府部门对航空公司的监管和干预能力以应对因管理者过度自信而造成的航空公司过度多元化问题。


    Abstract: Chinese airlines commonly adopt diversification strategies to cope with market fluctuations; however, excessive diversification can also increase the financial risks of firms. Managers, shareholders, creditors, and the government, as governance entities, play decisive roles in corporate diversification strategies. An investigation into how these governance entities influence corporate diversifed expansion is important to understand the causes of overdiversification of Chinese airlines and to find effective countermeasures. Based on the data of seven airlines from 2015 to 2020, it finds that managers’ overconfidence in business conditions and profitability will promote airline expansion in non-airline businesses, which is an important cause of airline overdiversification; while government intervention can effectively inhibit the effect of managers’ overconfidence in diversifed expansion. Therefore, to address the problem of overdiversification caused by managers’ overconfidence, it is necessary to strengthen the government’s regulation on and intervention in airline business.


