ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Centennial Changes of the Common Prosperity Policy of the Communist Party of China: From the Perspective of the Multiple Streams Framework

  • 摘要: 共同富裕是社会主义的本质要求,中国式现代化是全体人民共同富裕的现代化。利用多源流理论对中国共产党共同富裕政策的百年变迁进行系统分析具有较强的适恰性。研究发现,中国共产党共同富裕政策的变迁历程大致可划分为初步探索期、曲折发展期、与时俱进期和扎实推动期等四个阶段。在不同阶段中国共产党共同富裕政策的变迁是党面临的共同富裕相关现实问题,党关于共同富裕的政治考量,党内部和社会各界关于共同富裕的见解、建议与方案举措“三股溪流”共同作用的结果。在共同富裕新的历史发展阶段,从“问题溪流”“政治溪流”“政策溪流”和“政策之窗”等四个方面对政策制定进行优化,或有一定参考价值。


    Abstract: Common prosperity is the essential requirement of socialism, and achieving common prosperity for all the people is the essential feature of Chinese modernization. The Multiple Streams Framework is appropriately used to systematically analyze the centennial changes of the common prosperity policy of the Communist Party of China (the Party). The study finds that the common prosperity policy of the Party can be approximately divided into four historical stages, that is the preliminary exploration, the tortuous development, advancing with the times, and the solid promotion. The shifts in the common prosperity policy of the Party at different stages are all the outcomes of the joint influence of the three streams, namely, the practical problems related to common prosperity that the Party faces, the Party’s political considerations regarding common prosperity, and the insights, recommendations, and policy measures concerning common prosperity from within the Party and from all sectors of society. In the new historical phase of common prosperity, we should optimize the formulation of the policy from four aspects, that is “problem streams”, “political streams”, “policy streams” and “policy windows”, which may have certain referential value.


