ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Can We Know the True Confucius by Denying His Sainthood?

  • 摘要: 从孔子的生平与孔子创立的儒家学说来看,孔子倡导仁学,为华夏开辟了一精神传统,孔门弟子、儒家学者即是从仁这一儒学核心概念出发尊奉孔子为圣人的。从两千多年的历史来看,儒家选择通过出仕、得君行道来实现政治理想,历代统治者为了维护自身的统治,从“君臣之义”“尊卑之礼”的角度尊奉孔子为圣人。孔子的“圣”有多重含义,如果“去圣”,只能去历代统治者尊奉的代表“君臣之义”“尊卑之礼”的圣,作为民族精神信仰的孔子是不能被“去圣”的。


    Abstract: From the life of Confucius and the Confucianism that he founded, we know that Confucius advocated benevolence and opened up a spiritual tradition for the Chinese. Confucius disciples and the Confucians respected Confucius as a saint from the core concept of benevolence. Throughout the history of more than two thousand years, the Confucians chose to realize their political ideals by serving in the government and gaining the trust of the monarch to carry out their political views. To maintain their power, the monarchs in past dynasties hailed Confucius as a saint from the perspective of “the righteousness between the monarch and his ministers” and “the propriety between the superiors and the inferiors”. The sainthood of Confucius has multiple meanings. If it is to be denied, we can only deny the sainthood represented by “the righteousness between the monarch and his ministers” and “the propriety between the superiors and inferiors”, which was worshiped by the monarchs in past dynasties. Therefore, the sainthood of Confucius cannot be denied for Confucius serves as a national spiritual belief.


