ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Historical and Cultural Origins of the Great Founding Spirit of the Party

  • 摘要: 伟大建党精神是中国共产党区别于其他政党的精神标识。中华优秀传统文化是伟大建党精神与生俱来的文化基因,也是滋养中国共产党人精神谱系的深厚底蕴。中华优秀传统文化中格物穷理、功崇惟志的精神特质,精忠报国、天下为公的深厚情怀,自强不息、革故鼎新的无畏气概,民为邦本、为政以德的价值理念为伟大建党精神的形成和发展提供了源源不断的精神滋养。新时代弘扬和践行伟大建党精神,需要坚守中华文化立场、提升社会文明程度、深化文明交流互鉴,在推进文化自信自强中提升伟大建党精神的影响力和号召力,谱写中国共产党带领中国人民推进强国建设、实现民族复兴的精神史诗。


    Abstract: The great founding spirit of the Party is the defining symbols that distinguish the Communist Party of China (CPC) from other political parties. The fine traditional Chinese culture is the cultural gene inherent in the great founding spirit of the Party, as well as the rich legacy for the development of the long line of inspiring principles for the Chinese Communists. In the fine traditional Chinese culture, the spiritual traits of seeking truth and upholding ambition, the profound sentiment of serving the country with loyalty and aspiring for common good for all, the dauntless spirit of ceaselessly pursuing self-improvement and discarding the outdated in favour of the new, and the value orientation of regarding the people as the foundation of the country and governing by virtue have provided a continuous nourishment for the formation and development of the great founding spirit of the Party. To carry forward and practice the great founding spirit of the Party in the new era, we need to stay firmly rooted in Chinese culture, enhance public civility, deepen exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, and enhance the influence and appeal of the great founding spirit of the Party in building cultural confidence and strength, thus composing the spiritual epic of the CPC leading the Chinese people to promote the construction of a strong country and achieve national rejuvenation.


