ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Review of Policy Implementation Research Abroad in the Past 50 Years: Evolution, Themes and Recent Progress

  • 摘要: 政策实践植根于时代的具体问题之中。政策执行是当代中国政策过程中的热点与难点问题,目前国内已经积累了许多的富有洞察力的研究成果。然而,政策研究者只有在比较的视野下才能更明确本国政策执行的独特定位与问题。国外政策执行研究至今已有50年的历史,并且历经三代理论发展形成了诸多观点。为推进中国的政策执行研究,促进本土理论与国外理论的对话与交流,通过梳理国外政策执行研究的演进脉络及主要理论,呈现政策执行研究的主要议题与前沿进展,以期为中国的政策执行研究提供借鉴。


    Abstract: Policy practice is rooted in the specific problems of the times. Policy implementation is a hot and difficult issue in the policy process of contemporary China, and many insightful research results have been accumulated in China. However, policy researchers can better understand the unique position and problems of policy implementation in their own country from a comparative perspective. The study of policy implementation in foreign countries has a history of 50 years, and has gone through three generations of theoretical development, thus forming many views. In order to promote the research on policy implementation in China and to facilitate the dialogue and exchange between theories at home and abroad, this paper summarizes the development process and main viewpoints of policy implementation research abroad, and presents the basic theories and recent progress of policy implementation research, with a view to providing a reference for the policy implementation research in China.


