ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


How Digital Technology Enables Urban Governance to Be Resilient

  • 摘要: 韧性治理与韧性城市建设逐渐成为中国城市管理者应对复杂性、动态性和异质性并在现代社会情境下的实践选择与发展趋势。基于对北京市回龙观、天通苑地区“城市大脑”数字治理平台的案例考察,深入剖析数字技术赋能城市韧性治理的契合逻辑、内在机制与发展路径。研究发现:当前数字技术赋能城市韧性治理在理念融合升级、结构资源协同和功能技术互补等三个方面区别于传统治理模式并高度契合现代城市治理需要;同时,在框架构建、应用范围、实践执行、行政方式和主体结构等五个维度上具有突出表现。进一步搭建“制度—结构—技术”的分析框架,最终围绕城市治理的实践,探讨信息物理社会融合系统生态环境下数字技术赋能城市韧性治理的发展路径,为更好落实城市韧性建设提供思路。


    Abstract: Resilient governance and the construction of resilient cities have gradually become the practical choices and development trends of China’s urban administrators to cope with the complex, dynamic and heterogeneous context of the modern society. Drawing upon the case study of the city brain in Huitian District of Beijing, this study analyzes the logic, internal mechanisms and development paths of digital technology-enabled urban resilience governance. The findings indicate that the current digital-enabled urban resilience governance differs from the traditional governance model in three aspects—conceptual integration and upgrading, structural resource synergy, and functional and technological complementary—and is highly aligned with the needs of modern urban governance. Additionally, it exhibits exceptional performances across five dimensions, including framework construction, scope of application, practice and implementation, administrative mode and major structure. Furthermore, by constructing the analytical framework of “system-structure-technology” that ultimately centers on the practice of urban governance, this study explores the development path of digitally-enabled urban resilience governance in the ecological environment of the Cyber-Physical-Social System, aiming to provide insights for the better implementation of urban resilience construction.


