ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


On the Liability Convention for Outer Space and Its Consummation

  • 摘要: 1972年责任公约是国际政策、国际关系和国际经济相互作用的产物。该公约有助于空间物体 损害责任的确定。但随着越来越多的空间活动的开展以及外空商业化的进程,该公约的适用 受到了严峻的挑战。因此,在该公约存在30多年之后,有必要对其进行认真的探讨,研究是 否需要对之改进, 以适应外空活动的新发展。


    Abstract: The 1972 Liability Convention is an example of the interaction of inte rnational policy, international relations and economy. It helps define liability for damages caused by space objects. However, with more and more space activiti es taking place on a daily basis, along with the trend of commercialization, sev ere challenges have set on the continual application of the Convention. Conseque ntly, a new round of serious review of the Convention is indispensable after mor e than 30 years of its existence. The Convention with possible revision would of fer a clear guideline for decision-makers to decide cases in a rational way bes t suited to the development of space operations.


