ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Contradictions and Challenges throughout the Development of International Aviation Transportation Law

  • 摘要: 致力于统一国际航空运输规则的华沙公约体系,从诞生之日起经历了种种矛盾与分歧的挑战 。贯穿华沙体系发展始终的主要是三大矛盾,即承运人与客户、发达国家与发展中国家 、普通法系与大陆法系之间的矛盾。这三大矛盾不仅体现在公约的酝酿修改过程中,也体现 在公约具体条文所遗留下的妥协痕迹。面对航空战略联盟和新科技的发展,华沙体系又将面 临新的挑战与创新。


    Abstract: Warsaw Convention System, aiming to unify international aviation trans portation rules, has undergone many challenges since its inception. Throughout t his system, there have been three sets of contradictions: carriers and clients; industrial countries and developing countries; and common law system and civil l aw system. These contradictions have been reflected not only in the draft proces s of Warsaw Convention, but in the compromises within the specific provisions of this Convention. In the era of Air Strategic Alliance and the development of ne w technologies, Warsaw Convention System will be confronted with new challenges and innovations.


