ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


The Harmonization Between Aviation Law and Outer Space Law

  • 摘要: 由于外层空间法和航空法之间的关联性,有必要考虑二者的协调问题。协调的主要领域包括 空气空间与外层空间的划界问题、空间物体造成损害的赔偿责任问题、航空航天物体的法律 地位与管理制度、与太空旅游有关的亚轨道飞行器的管理制度、空间环境污染的防治问题等 。国际法层面上的协调与国内法层面上的协调是两种主要的协调途径。


    Abstract: It is necessary to take into account the issue of harmonization between aviation law and outer space law because of the relevance between them. The harmonizatio n should focus on the following fields, i.e., delimitation of outer space, inter national liability for damage caused by space objects, the management system of sub-orbit spacecraft relating to space tourism, the prevention and co ntrol of space pollution etc. The harmonization at the domestic law and internat ional law levels are the two main methods of harmonization.


