ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Justifiable Defense for Negative Illegal Infringement

  • 摘要: 正当防卫在大多数情况下是针对积极的不法侵害而行使的一项权利,而对不作为形式的不法 侵害能否进行正当防卫,学者们意见不一。文章通过对"对不作为不法侵害能否进行正当防 卫"这一问题的探讨,得出对不作为进行正当防卫应当具备五个构成要件。


    Abstract: In most cases, justifiable defense is regarded as one kind of right pr acticed against active illegal infringement. However, there are also different a rguments among scholars as to whether the justifiable defense can be carried out on the basis of the negative illegal infringement. By probing into the problem of whether we can defend ourselves against negative illegal infringement, this p aper points out five essential components to practice justifiable defense.


