Cohort Difference in the Ultimatum and Dictator Game
摘要: 借助经典博弈游戏——最后通谍博弈和独裁者博弈,考查不同年代出生人群的决策行为和价 值取向差异。结果发现,老年组被试和青年组被试分配给博弈对方的份额有显著差异,老年 组分配给对方更多,在作为回应者时,老年人的拒绝比例也显著低于年轻人;性别差异并不 显著。在控制了学历因素后,笔者认为老年人比青年人更倾向于均等的分配方式,更多是由 于其公平的价值取向,而非认知能力所致。Abstract: The study investigated the decision-making and value of people of different coh orts, by Ultimatum Game and Dictator Game. Results showed that older participant s offered significantly more than the younger groups as proposers, and they reje cted significantly less in UG as responders. As education of participants was co ntrolled in the study, we argued that older people are more in favor of equal al location and altruism than younger groups, due to their value of fairness instea d of cognitive ability.