Activity-Based Costing Model Based on SOA——A Case Study
摘要: 借助SOA(Service-Oriented Architecture)的系统架构方法论,给出了一种面向服务构 架的作业成本管理模型,其中突出了作业中心的独立核算地位和作业在产品成本核算的介质 作用。该模型将作业成本管理的范围从车间拓展到了全企业,为作业成本法开辟了一种新的 应用模式。最后,通过一个耐火材料企业的应用案例,介绍了其中基于SOA的组织管理模式 和作业成本核算方法。Abstract: A mode for organizing enterprise by using the methodologies of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is presented in this study, which extends the management sco pe of Activity-Based Management (ABM) from the manufacture cells to the whole e nterprise, in which great prominences is given to show the core role of work cen ters and medium function of activities in ABC and gives a new way of applying th e ABC theory. A case of applying SOA based ABC theory to a fire-resistant mater ial factory is introduced in the end, in which the experiences of organization m anagement and costing techniques are shared.