ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


A Tentative Study on Improving the Government Credit Conditions from the Political And Ethical Angles

  • 摘要: 政府信用就是政府及其部门作为公共权力机构或者公共权力的代理者信守规则、遵守诺言、 实践践约,是社会信用体系的核心问题,对整个社会的发展和国家的进步都起着基础性、导 向性的作用。文章从政府信用的概念与内涵、政府信用的地位与作用、政府信用的评价方法 与模型研究入手,分析了中国政府信用的现状,政府信用缺失的原因和表现,并从伦理学角 度分析了改善政府信用缺失的途径与对策。


    Abstract: In modern society, government credit is the core of social credit system and the base of social credit development, so it has great importance and significance. The definition of government credit is that public power organization, such as government and other agencies observe regulations and fulfill the promise. Build ing an honest government is in connection with building honesty and stabilizing our country. It plays an example and leading role in social credibility. Owing t o various reasons at present, there appears a shortage of government credit, whi ch puts a heavy impact on the normal operation of administrative power. This pap er, through analyzing the credit conception and evaluation model, has put forwar d questions and concrete counter measures. All in all, we should establish a gov ernment of good faith and enhance the development of local economy.


