ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


A Comment on Public Choice Theory Research

  • 摘要: 公共选择理论在激烈的争辩和曲折的背景中破土而出,是一种以现代经济学分析民 主立宪制政府各种问题的学科。该学科在与一些传统学说抗辩中艰难地成长着,至今其理 论大厦仍未最后竣工,一些基础性的金砖玉瓦仍有待人们去熔炼。对公共选择理论的起 源、曲折的发展历程、争辩焦点、新进展进行介绍、梳理、评价,有助于人们较系统地认识 该学科的发展状况。


    Abstract: Public Choice Theory was born amidst fierce arguement and great difficulty. It uses the method of economics to analyse the problem of politics. The most contended parts of Public Choice Theory, such as electorate (voter) research, analyse for political personages and government officials.They presume that people are selfish when they do anything, and then they study political personages and government officials- mutual actions in the background of democracy system, and so on. This paper is presented and computed with the numbers of the origination and development of Public Choice Theory; the innovation of Public Choice Theory; the focus of argument of Public Choice Theory; and the New Evolution of Public Choice Theory.


