ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Review of Study on Aviation Transport Law Question in China: Summary on Chinese Science of Air Law Studying in Thirty Years (One)

  • 摘要: 30年(1979~2009)来,航空运输法律问题的研究取得了显著的成就,研究著作、期刊论文和学位论文都有很大成绩和进步。但是有关国内航空运输承运人责任研究还比较薄弱,航空运输法的研究内容和研究方法需要创新,研究成果的数量、质量和层次也有待进一步提升,今后的航空运输法研究依然任重道远。


    Abstract: The study of China air transport law has made considerable achievements in the past thirty years (from 1979 to 2009), and various works and periodical theses and academic degree theses in this field have been published. But, the study of Chinese domestic civil aviation carrier responsibility is still not enough, carrier, research content and research method need to blaze a new trail, the quantity and quality of the achievements in scientific research need to be further promoted, thus, the study of air transport law is a hard and long term task.


