Annotation for Communicative Contradictions between High and Low Context Cultures of Culture Text
摘要: 以中国经典著作《茶经》——"四茶之器"文化的高落差为典型个案,以解决文史文本翻译中"高语境文化"和"低语境文化"的错层问题为目的,指出文史文本英译须根据不同的需要,将高语境文化的汉语和低语境文化的译文间的错层酌量言传于注解中,采用不同的策略将文史文本中的内涵文化信息体现于注解中。Abstract: Taking "Tea Instrument" of "Tea Classic" as the research text, this paper aims at bridging the split level between the high-context culture and the low one in classics translation. It is hoped that the originally hidden information could thus be properly revealed and transferred in the English version through annotation, so that Chinese classics could be better understood and appreciated in the whole world.