ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C

政府应对公共危机的"危机" ——以"问题奶粉"事件为例

The Crisis of Government in Coping with the Public Crisis ——Case Study of Kidney Stones Gate in 2008

  • 摘要: 近年来,食品安全危机已成为全世界的共同难题,给各国政府提出了全新挑战。以2008年" 问题奶粉"事件为例,分析了政府在应对此次公共危机过程中面临的巨大困难,指出政府危 机管理力量薄弱、法律意识淡薄、政企关系不规范和法律制度不完善等是政府在应对此次危机中出现"危机"的原因。据此,政府要树立风险防范意识和危机管理意识,健全公共危机管理法律和制度,明确政府角色和定位,并拓展国际交流与合作。


    Abstract: In recent years, food safety crisis has raised a common problem and brought forw ard a new challenge for governments all over the world. Through the case study o f Kidney Stones Gate in 2008, this paper analyzes the enormous difficulties face d by the government in its response to the crisis, and argues that the lack of e xecuting ability and legal awareness, the irregular government- enterprise rela tionship and the flawed legal institutions are the reasons why government confro nts problems. Accordingly, to solve these problems, we should foster the conscio usness of risk prevention, improve the mechanism of public crisis management, an d clarify the role of government in its relationship with the enterprises. Meanw hile, promoting international cooperation is also an indispensable measure.


