A Comparison of Financial Reports' Conservatism between Hong Kang and the Mainland Stock Markets
摘要: 基于政治、法律、经济等外部环境对上市公司财务报告稳健性的潜在影响,比较了香港股票市场和大陆A股市场上市公司财务报告的稳健性水平。采用分组检验和扩展的巴苏模型的检验结果,发现样本公司在香港和大陆的财务报告的稳健性水平并不存在显著性差异。Abstract: This paper investigates the differences of financial reports' conservatism betwe en Hong Kang and the Chinese Mainland markets. We measure accounting conservatis m with Basu conservatism model. The study results do not find significant differ ence in the conservatism, using data of financial reports of cross-listed firms in Hong Kong and Chinese A-share markets.