On the Legal Regulation of the Outer Space Activitives ——A Viewpoint from the Collisions of Russian and American Satellites
摘要: 美俄卫星相撞提醒人们,在"星满为患"的今天,外空活动的规制对所有国家都有利。文章主要从确立外空资源为人类共同财产的基本原则,加强监管和预防,明确损害赔偿责任三方面入手,提出对卫星轨道资源的使用,需要建立一定秩序;报废卫星应要求登记国予以处理 ,不应当继续占用轨道资源;对于给他国造成损害的,应当予以赔偿;外空环境的保护法制,需要进一步强化。建立国际太空管理局对外空的探索和开发进行管理,是一个可行的思 路。Abstract: What can we learn from the collisions of the Russian and American sate llites? It reminds us that it is now urgent for the world to lay down rules rega rding to the exploration and use of the outer space. It will keep the outer spac e activities in good order and will benefit all the countries on earth. To reach this goal, three aspects should be focused on. Firstly, the rule of mankind her itage should be emphasized again; secondly, take steps before every launch; thir dly, let the wrongdoers be liable for damages caused by their space objects. May be we really need an international organ to supervise our space activities.