ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Justification and Legitimacy: Lockean Approach VS Kantian Approach

  • 摘要: 美国著名学者约翰·西蒙斯在其文章《证成与正当性》中,讨论了对制度进行道德评估的两种方式——国家的证成(justification)与正当性(legitimacy)。针对当代政治哲学中所常见的对两者的混淆,或不恰当的定义,西蒙斯采用了洛克式路径与康德式路径论证了两者之间的关系。而对证成与正当性这两个概念进行区分在关于国家规范理论的研究中具有重要的意义。


    Abstract: In a famous scholar of American named A John Simmons' article "Justification an d Legitimacy", he discussed two dimensions of institutional evaluation—the jus tification of the state and state legitimacy. Aiming at the familiar mixture or improper definition of them in contemporary political philosophy, Simmons adopte d Lockean approach and Kantian approach to show the relations between justificat ion and legitimacy. And differentiating the two concepts has a very important si gnificance in the research of the normative theories of the state.


