Research on Legal Issues in Delay in Civil Aviation
摘要: 有关航空延误问题,至今尚未出现明晰的定义和详细的规则。这种不确定性在实践中给问题的妥善解决带来了困惑和耽搁。国际航空运输中延误问题是一个需要国际合作的重大问题。 《华沙公约》走出了第一步,让承运人承担责任,并对其进行规管。在新的世纪里,不断发展的国际航空产业要求为航空延误制定更详细的规则,这一要求从某种程度上也促成《蒙特 利尔公约》的顺利通过。文章将主要依据1929年《华沙公约》的有关规定展开具体的讨论, 为进一步改善因延误责任而产生的争端的最终解决提出建议。Abstract: No clear definition and detailed rules have been provided for the issue of delay in civil aviation so far. Such indeterminacy has further confused or delayed th e proper resolution in practice. The issue of delay in international air transpo rtation is itself a serious problem requiring international co-ordinance. Warsa w Convention took the first step to put the burden on the carrier and regulate i ts liability. When approaching the new century, increasing occurrence of interna tional aviation brings forward the demand on more detailed rules on delay, which to a certain extent contribute to the new Montreal Convention. The Warsaw Conve ntion shall remain as the basic document for the present discussion and the pape r concludes by offering suggestions for further improvement in resolving dispute s over liability resulting from delay in civil aviation.