ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


The Aesthetic Meaning of LI Zhi's "Tongxin Shuo"

  • 摘要: 李贽的"童心说"是一个著名的文学理论命题。依据晚明的思想特点及文学实践状况,总结出"童心说"提出的理论背景包括批判宋明理学与纠正复古文风。继而从李贽对"童心"一 词的解读及其对"至文"的创作方法入手,认为其美学内涵可以概括为创作内容上重真实 、形式创作上重自然。


    Abstract: LI Zhi's "Tongxin Shuo" is a famous notion of literary theory. On the basis of idealistic characteristic and literary production, the theory background of "T ongxin Shuo" is to criticize Song-Ming Neo-Confucianism and to rectify the re turn to the ancients. The aesthetic meaning of LI Zhi's "Tongxin Shuo" rests w ith reality of content and naturalness of form about literary production accordi ng to "Tongxin" and "the best article".


