ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


A Critical Analysis of Chomsky-s Linguistic Naturalism

  • 摘要: 乔姆斯基的语言自然观在他的语言学理论中占据中心的地位。他认为,应该把语言当作自然物体来研究,就像研究星体、植物、心脏和眼睛一样。他的普遍语法就是在这一思想基础上建立起来的。为了说明他的语言自然观是成立的,乔姆斯基提出了一个所谓"火星人论证" 。文章将分析这一"火星人论证",指出它所存在的问题。说明"火星人论证"不足以支持 语言自然观,还要指出另一种建立在Zellig Harris的"发现程序"思想基础上的研究语言的途径,并说明它优于乔姆斯基的普遍语法。


    Abstract: Chomsky-s linguistic naturalism occupies a central place in his linguistic theor y. According to him, language should be studied in the same way as we study natu ral objects, such as stars, plants, hearts, and eyes. His Universal Grammar has been developed on this basis. To justify his language naturalism, Chomsky puts f orward the so-called "Martian Argument". In the paper, I analyze Chomsky-s " Martian Argument", and I shall point out its problems. I shall argue that the a rgument does not give sufficient support to linguistic naturalism. I shall also present another approach to the study of language, based on Zellig Harris-s idea of "discovery procedures", and argue that it is advantageous over Chomsky-s U G.


