ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Analysis of Characteristics of Engineering Leadership Cultivation for Undergraduate Students ——An Example of Gordon-MIT Engineering Leadership Program

  • 摘要: 本科阶段工程领袖型人才培养是指高等学校以造就未来的工程领袖为目标,通过有计划的教学活动对学生施加影响,使其具备一定的成为工程领袖的潜质。以戈登-麻省理 工学院工程领袖计划为例对这一问题加以分析,从设计理念、培养目标、课程设置、配套措 施等方面探究其特点,并提出对本科阶段工程领袖型人才培养的几点思考。


    Abstract: Engineering leadership cultivation for undergraduate students is defin ed as a higher educational instruction process, which aims at educating and deve loping outstanding students as the potential future leaders of engineering pract ice and innovation by means of implementing designed instructional activities. T his study analyzes the characteristics of Gordon-MIT Engineering Leadership Pro gram from the facets of conception, aim, curriculum, and supplementary measures. Recommendations of engineering leadership cultivation for undergraduate student s are also demonstrated.


