ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Practice and Revelations of Information Literacy Education of Engineering Master

  • 摘要: WebQuest教学模式是一种基于因特网的信息资源并以探究为取向的研究性教学方式。针对将 传统文献检索课作为工程硕士信息素质教育课程存在的不适应性,结合WebQuest教学模式的 理论思想,对工程硕士专业硕士研究生信息素质教育进行了重新设计和实践,将信息素质培养实施方案设计为设计学习任务、搭建网络教学环境、组织信息资源、教学过程实施、评价学习效果、总结学习结论6个关键步骤,取得了较好的教学效果。


    Abstract: WebQuest is an investigative teaching method which is based on informa tion resource on the Internet. In order to eliminate the shortages of using the traditional literature retrieval course as engineering masters- information lite racy education course, the information literacy education research group in whic h the author works redesigned the teaching pattern to apply the WebQuest teachin g method into information literacy education of the engineering master. During t he practice, we divided the information literacy education into six steps, desig nation of the learning task, construction of the web-based teaching environment , organization of the information resources, implementation of the teaching proc ess, evaluation of the learning effect and summarization of the learning conclus ion. This article also summarizes some key factors which affect the teaching res ult, and obtained a good result.


