A Proposal for Policies And Legislation for Development of China's Space Tourism
摘要: 嫦娥一号绕月探测飞行激发了中国人对太空旅游的热情,太空旅游由神话变成了现实。太空 旅游的发展,极大地冲击着中国的旅游市场、旅游政策和相关的法律制度。太空旅游产品开 发滞后、太空旅游国际合作缺乏、太空旅游保险法律制度缺失都是目前存在的严重问题。为 此,中国政府和有关部门在太空旅游方面应努力调整政策,积极应对;正确引导,科学规范 ;完善立法,加强保障;加强合作,国际协调。Abstract: The Chang'E I Lunar detector orbiting the moon has strongly stimulated Chinese e nthusiasm for space traveling. Space traveling has turned from ancient myth to t oday's reality. The development of space traveling will certainly challenge Chin a's tourist market, tourist policies and relevant laws and systems. The serious problems at present are the lagging behind of the development of space tourist p roducts, the lack of international cooperation in space tourism and the lack of insurance, laws for space tourism. Therefore, the Chinese government and departm ents concerned should work every effort to readjust policies in the field of spa ce tourism. There are indeed a lot to do, such as perfecting the legislature, mo re international cooperation and coordination, and scientific standardization.
- space tourism /
- space laws /
- perfecting the legislature
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