ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Retroaction of Limitations of Prosecution

  • 摘要: 刑法第88条的规定与1979年刑法的相关条文相比,一定程度上恶化了被告人的利益,同时, 由于刑法第12条对新刑法生效以前实施的犯罪行为"依照本法总则第四章第八节的规定"判 断是否应当追诉,肯定了第四章第八节追诉时效的溯及力,如果被告人的行为符合第88条的 规定,即使依照旧刑法,已经超过追诉时效的,也可以追究刑事责任。这在一定程度上与禁 止事后法的原则相违背,因而司法解释采取了二分法的解释,限制此条的适用范围。


    Abstract: Compared with the corresponding article in the 1979 criminal code, the provision of article 88 is a disadvantage for the defendant. This is also because the cri mes before the entry into force of the criminal code shall be subject to prosecu tion under the provisions of Section 8, Chapter IV of the general provisions of this law. Namely, this provision affirms retroaction of limitations of prosecuti on. If an act committed by a defendant under provision article 88, that has exce eded the period of limitations of the prosecution, it may inflict criminal respo nsibility. This provision violates the principle of ex post facto law prohibitio n, so, judicial construction adopted the dichotomy of explanation to confine app lying of this article.


