ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Electromechanical Driving Motion and Controlling: Multimedia Courseware-Making

  • 摘要: 论述了"机电传动与控制多媒体"课件制作的制作过程,涉及到课件的结构分布、课件素材 的提取、课件的知识表示及课件制作技巧等方面。该课件基于"机电传动与控制"教学大纲 编制,突出拖动电动机的传动特性和继电器与接触器的控制线路,包括变压器、直、交流电 动机、同步电动机及步进电机等八章的内容,适应于机械工程专业的本科的课程教学。


    Abstract: This article presents the process of courseware making for "electromechanical t ransmission and control multimedia". The distribution of courseware content, se lection of material, demonstration of relative knowledge and techniques of cours eware making are all involved. Based on the teaching outline for "electromechan ical transmission and control", the courseware emphasizes the transmission char acteristic of dragging electromotor as well as the control circuits of relay and contactor.This courseware contains eight chapters, concerning transformer, AC e lectromotor, DC electromotor, synchronous electromotor and stepping electromotor , which can be applied to undergraduate course teaching for the major of mechani cal engineering.


