乡村选举中政治冷漠的成因 ——以成本-收益为视角的分析
The Cause of Political Apathy in Country Election: Analysis from the Point of Cost-Benefit
摘要: 政治冷漠,是一个与政治参与相对应的概念,即在政治活动和政治行为中表现出消极的政治 态度,不参加政治生活,对于政治问题和政治活动的冷漠和不关心。一言以概之,就是政治 不参与。在现今中国农村,虽然农民的政治素质在整体上有了很大的提高,但是由于种种因 素的影响,政治冷漠现象在一定程度上还存在着。文章论述了乡村选举中的政治冷漠现象, 并从成本-收益的角度分析其原因,提出发展农村经济、加强制度建设和降低选举成本等建 议, 旨在提高村民的政治热情,以使其通过长期参与选举等政治活动逐渐明白社会问题的症 结和自身政治利益所在,从而产生应有的政治热情,减少选举中的政治冷漠行为。Abstract: Political apathy is a concept opposite to political participation, which means a negative attitude in political activities, nonparticipation in political life, and disinterest in political issues. It can be concluded as political nonpartici pation. In the country of China nowadays,although the whole political diathesis of villagers has been improved greatly, political apathy still exits due to var ious factors. This paper intends to discuss political apathy in rurual election, and analyze the causes from the point of cost-benefit, then makes suggestions such as developing the rural economy, strengthening the institutional constructi on, and reducing the cost of rural election. The purpose of this paper is to inc rease villagers' political passion, make villagers understand where their politi cal benefits and social problems are, then reduce their political apathy through long-term participation in rurual election.