ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


The Trend and Countermeasure of Air Transport Liberalization between China and ASEAN

  • 摘要: 中国-东盟自由贸易区的建设为两地推行航空运输自由化提供了契机。中国-东盟原有的双边航空运输法律制度受到冲击,航空运输管理体制朝多边自由化发展成为一种趋势。根据国情和实际需要,我国应分阶段、分层次、有步骤地对东盟开放航空运输市场,推进两地航空运输自由化进程。


    Abstract: The development of China-ASEAN free trade area supplies opportunities for the implement of air transport liberalization in the area. Not only will it impact the original legal system of the bilateral air service agreements between China and ASEAN, but will create a trend that the management system of air service agreements develops towards multilateral liberalization. Based on China’s condition and actual needs, we should open our air transportation market to ASEAN in different stages, levels and steps and thus boost the process of the air transport liberalization in the area.


