On the Development of Tolerance
摘要: 宽容的历史,伴随着不宽容的历史一路走来。原始社会的人类求存欲望使专制成为了某种必 要,宽容不为人所知。城邦时代,宽容开始慢慢渗透进人们的政治生活,多神崇拜,使宽容 具有了原始"自由"的意义。虽然在中世纪,宗教裁判所令人闻之色变,报刊审查也到了无 以复加的地步,宽容的价值仍未被抹杀, 宽容的种子在悄悄积蓄力量。现代政治意 义上的" 宽容",确切地说,应该来源于16世纪~ 17世纪的宗教宽容,它为宽容形塑了基本的 原则和标准 。而如今,宽容发生了两个重大的历史转向,一个是私人领域,另一个是国际关系领域。Abstract: The history of tolerance develops along with the history of intolerance. The hum an desire to survive in primitive society made autocracy some kind of a necessit y when tolerance was not known to people. In the city-state era, tolerance slow ly infiltrated into people's political life. Because of the multi-gods worship, the tolerance first got the meaning of the original "freedom". While in the m iddle ages, people were panic-stricken when they heard of religion Magistrates and the publication examination was grave to the extreme but the value of tolera nce was not denied. On the contrast, it had already developed silently. "Tolera nce" in the modern political sense derives from religious tolerance in the 16th and the 17th centuries, and forms the basic principles and standards for tolera nce. Today, tolerance has gone through two major historical changes: one in the private sphere, and the other in the field of international relations.