ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C

马克思视野中的人权 ——以《资本论》为视角

The Vision of Marx on Human Rights ——Take "DAS KAPITAL" as the Angle of View

  • 摘要: 以马克思的重要原著为基础,以《资本论》为视角,分析了马克思视野中的人权景观。马克 思主义人权观,以人的权利为出发点,以人的全面发展为落脚点,以经济发展为前提,以对 无产阶级的关怀为目标。在此基础上,马克思分析了无产阶级人权现象的哲学基础,揭示了 人权的发生和演变机理,论证了资产阶级人权观的经济基础以及"天赋人权"的理论误区, 从而为工人阶级的人权要求奠定基础。


    Abstract: This article analyzes Marx's human rights view basing on Marx's original works w ith the view of "Das Kapital". The view of Marxist human rights takes human ri ght as a starting point, human's full scale development as the foothold, the eco nomic development as the premise, concern for the proletariat as the goal. Basin g on these, Marx has analyzed the view of proletarian human rights philosophy fo undation, promulgated the human rights occurrence and the evolution mechanism, p roven the economic foundation of the bourgeois human rights view as well as the errors of "the talent human rights" theory.Thus laying the foundation for the working class's human rights requests.


