ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Maintaining the Original Beauty of Tea Classics in the Translated Texts to Promote Cultural Multiplication

  • 摘要: 世界文化的多元性取决于不同民族文化的共存、相互认识和平等交流。翻译是这种跨语言文 化交流的重要媒介。翻译过程具有文化传承和延伸的特点,文化的意义和价值在交流互动过 程中得到提升,最终形成文化的增殖。在茶典籍译文中保持原语的异域性可给目标语读者新 的文化体验,丰富世界文化的多元性。以茶典籍的翻译为切入点,探讨异化翻译策略何以将 茶典籍中蕴含的民族特色传达给目标语读者。


    Abstract: A multi-cultural world is preconditioned by the coexistence of different cultur es and their reciprocal exchange and understanding, in which translation plays a vital role. This paper intends to confirm that in the process of cross-culture communication, the value of the culture can get acknowledged, appreciated and p romoted, which in turn, will contribute to cultural multiplication. Traditional Chinese tea culture is unique in nature. So the translation of tea classics shou ld maintain their exclusive features. This may be achieved, at least in part, th rough the foreignizing strategy. Different aspects of beauty contained in the la nguage form and genre of tea classics and their versions are analyzed to illustr ate how foreignization conveys the special features to the target readers.


