ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


The Application of Swap on an Enterprise's Stock Management

  • 摘要: 随着中国金融市场的逐步成熟,各种金融技术也得到了飞速发展。许多金融工具的应用已经 不仅局限于金融市场,文章利用了基本的金融衍生工具——互换,从财务的角度出发来对企 业的存货进行管理。研究中发现,以往的存货管理都是从成本的角度来对存货进行成本最小 化管理,忽略了存货的风险暴露问题。而存货的风险尤其是价格风险已经越来越成为影响企 业运作稳定与否的重要因素。


    Abstract: With the gradual maturity of the financial market, many kinds of finan cial technologies have been developed at full speed. Many financial tools have b een applied not only in financial market, but also in other fields. This paper g oes from the prospective of finance and uses swap, a basic financial derivative tool, to give a new method to the stock management in an enterprise. During the research,we found that all the former methods go from the prospective of cost a nd try to give a minimized management method. But they ignore the risk of the st ock, especially the price risk in the market. But this one has been a very impor tant factor of the stability in operation of an enterprise.


