ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


A Brief Analysis of Xun Zi's Thought on Administrative Organization

  • 摘要: 荀子是中国战国时期杰出的思想家,在其思想体系中蕴藏着丰富的行政组织思想。他的行政 组织思想包括"礼""法"结合的行政组织控制思想、"贵贱有等"的行政组织等级思想、 "尚贤使能"行政组织用人思想、"道德之威成乎安强"的行政组织用权思想。荀子的这些 行政组织思想对当今的行政组织管理仍具有很高的借鉴价值。


    Abstract: Xun Zi is an outstanding thinker in the Warring States period. His thought conta ins rich administrative organization ideas. It includes the administrative organ ization control thought of "the ritual and law", the administrative organizat ion rank thought of "nobleness and lowliness are the same", the administrative organization thought of choosing the right persons for the right jobs, namely, "advocating virtuousness makes enable" and the administrative organization tho ught of using the power, namely, "prestige of the moral becomes peaceful and st rong". Xun Zi's administrative organization thought still has very great model value for today's administration organization.


