ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Research on Unauthorized Disposition in Property Law

  • 摘要: 无权处分行为制度在新颁布的《物权法》中有所界定。笔者考察了当今物权变动模式的类型 ,从中分析了无权处分的概念、中国现有的债权形式主义,以及在该模式下的三种不同的关 于无权处分效力的学说。笔者认为应该采取无权处分原则上有效,同时存在一些例外来设计 我国无权处分制度。


    Abstract: The form of Unauthorized Disposition has been defined in "Property Law". The a uthor also investigates the conception and the current modes of real right chang ing ,and analyzes the creditor's rights pattern of modern china from the results and the three different theories about the validity of Unauthorized Disposition under this pattern. The author argues that the legislator should design the for m of Unauthorized Disposition by making the Unauthorized Disposition effective i n principle and the exceptions of validity.


