ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Literature in Ken Expounds and Life Constructs Life Philosophy

  • 摘要: 无数个体的生命构成人类社会生活的历史和现实,生命问题是人类生活的最基本、最核心的 问题。生命哲学重视把个体的生命状态和社会历史进程结合起来考察,从对生命的揭示而推 及到对整个世界的揭示。以生命哲学阐释文学首先是对文本中生命状态的感性体验,其次是 在这个基础之上的理性反思和判断,从对个体生命的审视来实践对生命缺陷的深深忧虑和对 人类精神出路的苦苦探究。生命哲学的文本阐释坚定地秉持人类的理性精神,以理性精神之 崇光照耀、泅度在现实生存中深受煎熬的人们,给他们指出超越的道路并赋予其抗争的力量 。


    Abstract: Countless particular lives make up the history and reality of the human society. Life issue is the most basic, the core of the human life. Life philosophy pays attention to inspecting both the individual state of life and the social and his toric progress, not only revealing life itself, but also revealing the whole wor ld. Perceptual expounding literature is to experience the state of life in the l iterature, and then to rethink profoundly and judge . From scanning th e individual life, you learn to worry deeply about life defects and probe into t he spiritual way out for mankind.


