Issues of Training Military Officers Relying on the Common Universities
摘要: 依托普通高校培养军队干部,是军队干部制度改革的战略举措,它在提高军事人才培养 的质量和效益、促进高校自身建设及增强国防动员能力方面有重要的意义。目前在实施的过 程中还存在许多问题,解决这些问题需要统一思想,提高认识,同时做好高校选拔培养、部 队使用等环节上的工作。Abstract: Training military officers relying on the common universities is a strategic decision on the officer system. It's very important for raising the quality and efficiency of the training of military officers, and for improving the universi ties' self-construction and the ability of national defense mobilizati on. But there are several problems while this decision is being carried out. It' s necessary to unify the cognitions and doing well the various jobs such as sele ction and training in the universities and use of them in the army.