On Obligations of Notification of Air Carriers
摘要: 分析了中国和欧盟有关航空承运人告知义务的法律规定,指出中国法律在这方面存在的不足和欧盟法律的可借鉴之处。同时考察了中国法院近年审结的有关航空承运人告知义务的案例 ,在此基础上,对承运人如何履行告知义务进行了详细讨论。文章认为,承运人应将与航空旅客运输相关的规定、行业惯例等以书面的方式,全面充分、清晰明白地告知旅客。Abstract: The paper examines the related laws and regulations on carriers obligations of n otification in China and in European Union; points out there is still room to be desired in Chinese laws and something that can be learned from EU laws; discuss es the cases concerning obligations of notification of air carriers that have be en judged by Chinese courts. Based on this, the paper analyzes how air carriers perform their obligations of notification. The paper believes that air carriers should fully inform the passengers of the regulations and practices of air trans portation in a written notice, which should be in plain and intelligible languag e.