ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Investigation and Practice on Enhancing Original FOAK Ability of Doctoral Candidates

  • 摘要: 如何大幅度提升科技原始创新能力是中国目前面临的重大问题之一。而提升博士的原始创新能力则是此问题的核心内容之一。研究发现,各国博士学位论文基本分为原始创新型和跟踪型两个类型。分析中一项关键量化指标是原始创新型论文在所研究的博士学位论文样本中所占的比例。以笔者所在研究组的部分博士论文为样本,通过比较研究发现,采用原始创新培养模式可将此指标由20世纪末的3.45%提升到目前的28.57%。


    Abstract: Original FOAK (First-Of-A-Kind) ability in technology is crucial for the future development of our nation. Among all the education phases, higher education is of special importance in the cultivating of this ability. Enhancing the original FOAK ability of doctoral candidates is a key issue, however. Research shows that doctoral dissertations can be categorized into two different types, original innovation type and tracking research type. A major quantitative parameter for evaluating original FOAK cultivation mode is the proportion of original innovation type dissertations to all the dissertations investigated. In the research group of the author, for example, the parameter was increased from 3.45% to 28.57% as the original innovation cultivation mode is adopted.


