ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


  • 摘要: 结合北航岩土工程学科办学时间短、试验设备有限的实际情况,论述了如何充分利用现有资源创建北航岩土工程学科特色课程体系,培养创新型人才。针对学生特点,充分发挥岩土工程学科教师优势,将本硕课程打通,形成以点促线、以线促面、层次分明的课程体系,即以土力学精品课为核心,开展具有特色的岩土工程学科5种教材建设,达到全面推动课程体系建设的目的。通过改革教学方法,采用启发式、互动式教学方法来培养学生的创新意识,结合科研项目、学术交流,以及承办国际、国内岩土工程学术研讨会等方法,达到锻炼学科队伍、培养创新型复合人才的目的。


    Abstract: How to make use of limited reservoirs to create geotechnical engineering courses system and bring up innovating students is stated in this paper. Courses of the undergraduate and graduate are overall planned to form clearly demarcated courses system according to characteristics of the students and advantages of the teachers. Course system establishing is pushed by establishing model course of the soil mechanics course and writing five textbooks. The senses of creation are improved by reforming teaching methods such as heuristic approach and interactive education method. Versatile students are trained by engaging in scientific research projects, taking part in academic exchanges, undertaking internal and international seminars of the geotechnical engineer


