ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C

明天的真理,今天的谬误 ——《道连 ·格雷的画像》中的道德观"悖论"

The Truth of Tomorrow and the Mistake of Today ——Aesthetic Morality in THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY

  • 摘要: 王尔德《道连 ·格雷的画像》中的道德观一直是受人关注的"悖论"。一方面,小说的情节暗示了道德堕落必遭致报应;另一方面,王尔德强调艺术是非道德的,艺术作品的价值不应由其道德寓意决定。对这一根本性问题的分析应在王尔德唯美主义哲学的框架之内进行, 道德观"悖论"的背后实际是唯美主义美学思想深层次的一致性。


    Abstract: Morality in Oscar Wilde-s THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY has been a long-debated p aradox. On the one hand, the plot of the novel suggests that moral corruption ne cessarily leads to punishment; on the other, Wilde stated explicitly that art is amoral and should only concern itself with the beauty of form. This paper attem pts to reconcile the paradox within the framework of Wilde-s aesthetic philosop hy and discover its inner consistency.


