ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


FIFTH CHINESE DAUGHTER under the Perspective of the Functioning of Culture and Power

  • 摘要: 美国华裔作家黄玉雪的自传体小说《华女阿五》颇受争议。从小说创作过程中白人权力的介入与"改写"、出版后主流文化选择性的"挪用"与"经典化"、文本中东方主义与女性主义的"协商"三方面来分析小说内外文化与权力的运作,发现黄玉雪面对中西两种文化的立场,并不能简单地以"白化"或东方主义来概括,因为《华女阿五》的背后有着文化、权力、霸权、意识形态等诸多因素的纠结。


    Abstract: Chinese American woman writer Jade Snow Wong’s FIFTH CHINESE DAUGHTER has arous ed enough controversy. From the analyses in such aspects as the intervention and "rewriting" by white power, selective "usage" and "canonization" by the m ainstream culture, and "negotiation" between Orientalism and feminism, readers can come to the conclusion that Jade Snow Wong’s attitude towards Chinese and western culture cannot be simplified as "whitened" or "Orientalized," becaus e there are functions of many elements such as culture, power, hegemony and ideo logy behind the text.


