ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


Leniency Bias and Statistical Remedy in Evaluation of Teaching

  • 摘要: 多分格相关系数及以其为基础的统计能够较好地校正教学评价中的评价者宽容偏向所产生的统计误差。在分析教学评价这样的有序分类数据时,多分格相关被认为比传统皮尔逊相关给出的估计值更为可靠和准确。研究对真实数据的分析也表明,两种方法在分析具有宽容偏向的教学评价数据时,皮尔逊相关的估计值低于多分格相关关系而且验证性因素分析的模型拟合指标证实,基于多分格相关系数的统计方法更适合于这种呈偏态分布的数据。


    Abstract: Leniency bias has a detrimental effect to analysis of indicators- relationships in teaching evaluation. It will distort the statistic results based on the Pear son correlation coefficient. The current paper employed polychoric correlation c oefficient to analyze teaching evaluation data, which has been proved robust and will offer more precise estimate. A non-normal real data sample shows that the re is sufficient difference between estimates of two correlation coefficient est imators. The approach based on polychoric correlation offered better fit indexes to a confirmatory factor analysis.


