ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


A Study on Knowledge Construction Oriented Information Literacy System in Universities and Colleges

  • 摘要: 将建构主义理念引入信息素质教育实践,探讨面向知识建构的层级式高校信息素质教育的教学对象、教学目标和教学方式。提出将高校信息素质教育划分为普及型、专业型和拓展型三个层级,并给出相适应的教学策略:基于范例驱动的情境式教学、基于资源驱动的发现式教学和基于问题驱动的探究式教学。


    Abstract: With the introduction of constructivism notion into information literacy teachin g practice, the author discusses the teaching object and strategy of information literacy teaching in universities and colleges. In order to construct the signi ficance of information literacy education, this article puts forward a way of di viding information literacy into three levels: elementary level, specialized lev el and explorative level, and sets forward three teaching strategies which could be used accordingly, that is, example-driven on-the-spot teaching, resource -driven discoverable teaching, problem-driven exploring teaching.


