ISSN 1008-2204
CN 11-3979/C


王有洪, 甘海珍

王有洪, 甘海珍. 高校突发事件应急管理现状及对策分析[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报社会科学版, 2010, 23(4): 10-12.
引用本文: 王有洪, 甘海珍. 高校突发事件应急管理现状及对策分析[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报社会科学版, 2010, 23(4): 10-12.
WANG You-hong, GAN Hai-zhen. Current Situation and Countermeasures of Emergency Management of College[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Social Sciences Edition, 2010, 23(4): 10-12.
Citation: WANG You-hong, GAN Hai-zhen. Current Situation and Countermeasures of Emergency Management of College[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Social Sciences Edition, 2010, 23(4): 10-12.



    王有洪(1965-),男,吉林长春人,副教授,博士研究生,研究方向为教育管理、高校安 全管理、公共管理、公共政策分析、项目管理.

  • 中图分类号: G647

Current Situation and Countermeasures of Emergency Management of College

  • 摘要: 自"非典"以来,随着近年来各类突发性事件增多,中国对突发事件的预防与对策研究日益 重视,突发事件应急管理机制逐步形成,但仍然存在着轻视"预案管理"、各部门缺乏组织 协调和实战演练、应急法制体系可操作性和执行效果不强等问题。文章立足于高校的特点, 结合对现有应急管理相关法规和对现存问题的分析,从加强危机意识的宣传与教育、保证应急 处理机制各部分配合密切与协调运转、加强预案的可执行性和可操作性等三个方面提出了完 善高校突发事件应急管理机制的建议。
    Abstract: In recent years, especially after the Sars,A variety of emergencies increase and we attach more and more importance to study of prevention and countermeasures of emergencies. The emergency management mechanism is coming to being step by step. At the same time, there are still some problems such as making light of "emergency preplan management", deficiency of drill, lack of organization and coordination between departments, inefficiencies in operation and execution of emergency legal system and so on.Established in the features of college and combined the analysis of related laws and the problems about the existing emergency management, This paper Puts forward the suggestion to improve and perfect the colleague emergency management mechanism, including intensifying publicity and education of crisis sense, ensuring acting in close coordination and be well coordinated between departments of emergency management mechanism and enhancing the operability and performability.
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    [2] 于孟辰,巩红,苏子微. 基于思想引导机制建设的高校突发事件应急管理研究
    [3] 汤兆平,孙剑萍,李茂清. 试论高校突发事件应急预案的运行机制
    [4] 新华社. 中共在处置重大突发事件中提高执政能力 . (2007-09-10( . ht tp://
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  • 收稿日期:  2009-09-21
  • 发布日期:  2010-07-24


